[How to] Check if your Android Smartphone Compatible with Android Wear Smartwatches

If you want to buy an Android Wear powered Smartwatch to pair with your Android Smartphone/Tablet, it’s a very good idea especially with all the new features Available for the Wear platform. However, you might need to check if the Smartwatch you gonna buy will be compatible with your current Smartphone firmware/Android version. Android Wear…

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Samsung Galaxy S5 Beats the New iPhone 6 A8 in GPU Benchmark, Can you Believe it ?

Believe it or not, The first Apple iPhone 6 GPU benchmark results have popped up on the Basemark X testing suite, delivering a very below than expected results. The iPhone 6 scores 21,204 points only with a 750p display. The Unbelievable thing is, the 6-month old Samsung Galaxy S5 scored 23,501 points with its Adreno 330 GPU and screen of higher 1080p resolution, which is…

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