Moto 360 already Sold Out on Motorola’s Website and Play Store

Motorola Moto 360, the iconic smartwatch, was launched shortly after the official Motorola event on September,5th for a price of $250. Sadly, the Moto 360 stock was depleted in the next few hours after the launch. Both Motorola’s website and the Google Play Store list the smartwatch as out of stock. Other retailers, which should launch the Moto 360…

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Samsung Galaxy Note 4 UV and SpO2 sensors Demo [Video]

Samsung’s Galaxy S5 came with a dedicated heart-rate monitor, and while the benefits of this additional sensor remain dubious at best, the recently-announced Galaxy Note 4 and Note 4 Edge have something new to try, a dedicated UV and SpO2 sensors. So, what exactly do these two new sensors bring to the table? Well, the UV sensor is pretty self-explanatory: when you’re outside and point…

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