Google Play PayPal support is Now Available in Australia, Greece, New Zealand, Portugal, Singapore, and Sweden

Google Play supports PayPal as a payment option in 12 countries worldwide. Google tries to expand this service to more countries. If you live in Australia, Greece, New Zealand, Portugal, Singapore, or Sweden you should be happy because Paypal payments are Now Available for you too. This change expands the number of supported countries to 18, most of which…

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HTC Exec: the Nexus 9 is a Turning point for HTC in the Tablet Market

According to Jack Tong, HTC’s president of North Asia, the Nexus 9 represents HTC’s commitment to returning to the tablet market after having abandoned it for three years. That’s significant because, well, the tablet hasn’t been officially acknowledged or mentioned by almost anyone outside of NVIDIA through legal documents. Focus Taiwan is reporting the news, suggesting that Tong announced the…

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