Google Chrome Beta Updated to v41 with Pull to Refresh on Web Pages [APK Download]

Google Chrome Beta for Android has just been update to v41.0.2272.34 with some critical bug fixes and stability improvements along with some New features added in the “flags” section One of the New features on Chrome Beta v41 is the “pull to refresh” feature, which is available to (almost) all web pages. It’s now easier to refresh any page, just…

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Ted is Coming, again with “Ted 2” on June 26th this year

Ted 2 is set for release on June,26th this year. Mark Wahlberg is returning alongside Seth MacFarlane as the voice of the foul-mouthed, spliff-smoking, hard-drinking title character, though their original co-star Mila Kunis doesn’t appear second time out. However, Amanda Seyfried, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson and David Hasselhoff all have roles in the sequel, which MacFarlane directed…

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