The Legend of Moto Razr is All Set to Make a Comeback

Samsung is the leading smartphone business right now, but there was a time when Motorola was the undisputed king of smartphones, before being dethroned by Nokia. While that time may have truly come and gone, the Moto RAZR continues to be one of the most iconic smartphones of all time for more reasons than one. If you were lucky enough to have used a Moto RAZR back in the day and you secretly regret not having anything similar available for purchase today, we have good news for you. According to multiple sources, most notably the Wall Street Journal, a new Moto RAZR is all set to be released, but as an Android smartphone this time around! While the report is still shrouded in mystery, go through the following to know everything that has been rumored and reported about the upcoming Moto Razr so far.

  • It will feature a foldable display, instead of the bottom half being a keypad
  • The first batch of 200,000 units might be exclusive to the US and only Verizon at that
  • The price of the smartphone is expected to be around the $1,500 mark
  • It could launch next month, i.e. in February

Personally, I can’t wait to experience this device first hand, provided Lenovo doesn’t end up ruining it, because that is a highly likely scenario here.

Saikat Kar

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