4 Best software to be used for mobile game development in 2020

Nowadays, Mobile phones or smartphones are not just used for calling or texting; rather, with the rise of the modern age, the smartphones have become “mini-computers.” With the rapid advancement of technology and very innovative ideas, smartphones have become more comfortable to use than desktop computers.

As a result, it has cleared the paths to many industries, among them, being the industry that has taken the lead among the others is the mobile gaming industry. Mobile Casino UK is the perfect example of the said new trends. The mobile gaming industry is constantly increasing its users’ engagement towards their applications in various platforms. In recent times, the desktop gaming industry is suffering from a lesser number of players and customers due to cut-throat competition with the mobile gaming industry.

But, not just that, the mobile gaming industry is ruthless, and in order to survive, it is most important to prioritize the game engines and graphics just as gameplay and storyline. So, in order to do so, you will need some tools to develop games, and below is the list of 4 best available software with which you can develop mobile games. Just have a look.

Game Maker: Studio 2

This tool or software is great for newbie developers who have very less ideas of how-to code. Therefore, its step by step tutorial makes it quite a user friendly. YoYo studios launched this developmental software for the creation of special 2D games. It comes with its own gaming language, which is very similar to C++, but it uses a drag-and-drop interface to create and develop games without going into complicated coding methods. However, if someone is interested in the creation of 3D games, this is where this software becomes complicated as it will require you to code and create a well-threaded storyline.


This tool or software used to design applications is launched by Ludei Corporation. It is best-suited for Application development and web games based on HTML5. This software produces games that are comparatively faster and highly stable. The project creation is fast due to the integrated process and easy to use interface. This software is unique from others as besides providing debugging tools to its users. It also allows the application development in platforms like Android, iOS, and so on.

Corona SDK

This software is designed to provide its users to develop 2D games faster than any other available software. It enables its users to use a wide variety of tools and features. It guides its users to build and develop applications much faster through its tutorials. No encryption is required to develop games, and a wide variety of prototypes are available to find issues and bugs within the games developed. Another unique feature enabled by this software is a built-in monetization of developing or developed games. And also, while developing games, you are free to choose the FRS ( Frame Rate per second) in general between 30 to 60.


This free to use software provides its users with tools and features which are used to develop event-based games or applications. This software is very easy to use as it does not require any knowledge of programming or coding for developing applications and games. This software is very intuitive, and there is no need to spend hours on developing games. It provides a very natural flow to the user. This software is developed by the Click Team. However, it can also be used to develop 2D games, but it is more suitable to develop event-based games under the static camera.


Now, there are tons of other options of software and application that you can decide to choose from the available options. For example, if you know coding and programming languages, then you can choose Unity or Unreal Engine and so on. This list is like the needle in a haystack situation, therefore it’s entirely up to you, which software you find the best suitable for yourself. You are free to choose the applications based on the criterion of budget, tools, user interface, knowledge of coding, programming languages, experience, and so on.

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