Tips for Students to get the most out of their Smartphones

18 October, 2022 Education

Tips for Students to get the most out of their Smartphones


Seven amazing tips and trips to employ during your challenging academic life to ensure that you get the most out of your smartphone even when pursuing complex subjects to ensure that you achieve all your academic goals.


With modern advanced technology, the number of college students with smartphones is at an all-time high. Students have full access to the gadgets and can choose what they want to do with those smartphones from a very long list of uses. While studying requires a lot of time and concentration, smartphones can work as a distractor and hinder students from accomplishing their goals, or they can either decide to use it as a tool to positively assist them in their studies and in making their general college life easier. Among the greatest benefits of having a smartphone is that it aids students in seeking help from reputable writing enterprises such as peachyessay in the comfort of their homes. Here, we looked at the best ways students can get the most out of their smartphones.


Avoid using it all the time

Many college students commonly connect digitally with friends and family through social media. While this looks fun, it limits the students' abilities to concentrate on important things and denies them the opportunity to bond with their surroundings. Students who devote so much time to smartphones tend to be very active on social media but generally lack the physical courage and skills to interact and bond with other people face-to-face. Spending much time glued to the screens takes away the students' attention, even during classes; hence, there is a need to always keep off their phones.


To assist students in staying away from their phones, they should consider downloading the Forest app, which helps them keep off their phones for a certain period. The Forest app achieves this by growing trees slowly on the phone as a token for their time off the phone, and the more the students stay off their phones, the more the trees grow. If the students decide to use another app on the phone, the trees start to die. This app can help students execute their duties diligently and only use their phones when necessary.


Uninstall unnecessary apps

Students should thoroughly consider which apps on their smartphones are beneficial and which are not. Students get limited time as they have to dedicate a big part of it to studies; hence, having apps that cause them to constantly procrastinate or prevent them from getting their work done is probably not worth it. Some gaming and social media apps might be good for stress relief and relaxation, but if they start to take more than the allocated time, the students should consider them as a distraction as they might cause more harm than good. Having many apps on the phone also takes up a lot of phone storage space which might be necessary to the students for saving their classwork and other academic materials. Also, a phone that has been used up is prone to sluggishness which might be very uncomfortable for the students.


Avoid using smartphones at night

Smartphone screens emit blue light that distracts the body's normal sleep cycle, making it difficult for students to sleep. Consequently, lack of sleep at night reduces the students' performance during the day as they suffer from fatigue and are likely to fall asleep during the day. Sleeping during the day reduces the students' concentration and effectiveness in classes and other activities. Using the phone late at night also makes the students lose track of their time which might haunt them later as they will need to squeeze their schedule to recover the lost time.


Learn to use important phone features

Smartphones are generally equipped with features to make their users' lives easier, so college students need to learn and use those features. These features include; do not disturb, aeroplane mode, google voice transcription, the weather, and the calendar. Notifications are enemy number one to concentration and productivity. Students who want to concentrate on their studies or classes can use the do not disturb feature that mutes and blocks all notifications and incoming calls from distracting them for a certain period that they may set. After using the do not disturb feature to block all those incoming calls and notifications, the students can then use the google voice transcription feature to automatically convert voicemails to text messages or emails that they can read later once they are free. This feature ensures that the students get all the information they could have missed while busy with their work


The advantages of Airplane mode come in handy even beyond the runway, as the students can use this feature to avoid distractions and to change their signal type in case, they experience signal problems while using data to study. In areas where the signal should be excellent but is not, the students should consider turning on aeroplane mode and then turning it off to rectify the signal error. The weather feature allows the students to schedule their day program while considering the weather patterns during the day. For example, a student might decide to ride a bike or skates to school on a sunny day and use a bus or taxi on a rainy day. On the other hand, the calendar helps the students plan their schedules over a long period and set reminders on important dates. For students traveling abroad, the calendar informs them about the special days and holidays of the country they have visited.


Set the phone as a target reward

Students who want to concentrate on their studies without being distracted by their phones should set the phones as a token of appreciation once they accomplish a set target. In this scenario, the students can finish their homework or attain a set time while reading, and then they reward themselves with the phone to take a break and relax their minds. During these breaks, the students can freely use their phones to play games or be on social media and start the next objective after the break.


In conclusion, smartphones have revolutionized entire students' lives. Students should use smartphones to advance their knowledge, acquire new skills, and improve their academic performance. Students should also be cautious when using smartphones since they can be a great source of distraction.


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