Google Glass on Retail Display for the First Time

Google Glass is still a Beta product but Google is looking to releasing it into the markets by Early 2015. For a start, Google set up its very first retail display for “Glass” during The Player’s Championship, a PGA golf tournament in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. (Photo below)

This time, its not an online website order but a full retail display was built and the Google reps involved said that sales were much better than expected. And to get the golfers in the crowd interested in the wearable, Google tossed in a camera that connects to a golf club, allowing golfers to analyze their swing in real-time!!

Google said that this was an example of its previous desire to test new ways to sell the Explorer program. And as Google tell us through a post on Google+, it nearly sold out the entire stock of Glass set aside for the April 15th event.

Source (Google+)

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