Samsung Hires the Hot Doutzen Kroes to Advertise the Galaxy ALPHA [Video]

A smartphone as good-looking as the Samsung Galaxy Alpha takes quite the display of beauty to advertise it properly. Luckily, Dutch supermodel Doutzen Kroes was up for the challenge and shot a series of glamorous commercials for Samsung’s chief iPhone 6 competitor.

After carefully evaluating the video from various angles in our research center, we’re happy to confirm that gorgeous Doutzen, who we’d totally swipe right on Tinder by the way, has done a satisfactory job promoting Samsung’s beautiful metallic phone.

In the video, you can watch her do typical supermodel stuff, such as partying with friends in high-class establishments, taking a group selfie with super-fast autofocus, and looking especially happy chatting on the Galaxy Alpha in the back of a limousine. The video carries a “Your Style, Your Alpha” tagline that we’re not totally sure what to make of, but every ad needs a tagline, so there you have it.

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