Bloomberg Repors that Sony working on SmartWatch made Entirely Out of E-Paper

Smartwatches are invading the wearables market and Sony is deciding to take a step ahead. According to Bloomberg report, Sony is said to be making a new Smartwatch whose surfaces are made entirely from E-Paper. The watch is said to “emphasize style, rather than trying to outdo more technological offerings.” This Sony smartwatch will focus on style and customization, using…

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HTC Nexus 9 Official Keyboard Folio case is Now Available on Google Play for $129

Nexus 9 most anticipated accessory is here, The official Keyboard Folio case for HTC Nexus 9 is now available to order from Google Play in the United States. Google Play store has the cover in stock, ready to ship-put in 1-2 business days. As expected, the Nexus 9 Keyboard Folio costs $129. The accessory attaches magnetically with the tablet and pair over…

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