Other HTC One family members to get Lollipop update later than Expected

HTC already released the Android 5.0.1 Lollipop update to the unlocked HTC One M8. The One M7 should get the same update on Early Feb,2015. As for the rest of the One Family, HTC initially promised to update all versions of its 2013 and 2014 flagship smartphone within 90 days of receiving the Android 5.0 code. However, it looks like there will be a slight delay…

Mo Versi, HTC’s Vice President of product management delivered the news in a dedicated post. The delay is caused by issues Android 5.0 initially contained, which were subsequently fixed by Google with minor updates. HTC is working hard with Google and its carrier partners to incorporate the latter into its OS build.

HTC already updated several versions of the One M8. They include the factory unlocked model, the Developer Edition, and the Google Play variant. Mo Versi promises “good news to share soon” on the rest of the One family.


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