Unlike Apple Pay or Android Pay, the Samsung Pay does not require installation of any additional equipment supporting NFC at the point-of-sale (POS) to complete payment successfully.
The store executives with old POS equipments will be surprised in your next visit finding the Samsung Pay works perfectly in collecting payment from you.
Similar encounters have inspired the South Korean giant to make a new video commercial for its new payment feature that is made available across its Galaxy handsets.
In the video non-fancy store executives are seen getting surprised with the successful transaction through old POS equipments that does not supports NFC, the tech feature that is required while making payment through Apple Pay or Android Pay.
Samsung uses a unique technology called MST in its payment feature that mimics debit and credit card swipes, and this facilitates paying at any store with ease that accepts card. This is the reason the newly launched Samsung Pay has been more successful than the rivals.
Watch the embedded commercial video in this post and share your own views with fellow readers whether you managed surprising any store executive by making payment through Samsung Pay-compatible Galaxy smartphone. Use the below given comment box.