How to Write Better Essays in College

Have you ever struggled with writing an essay? Probably every student has problems with this type of assignment at least once in a lifetime. No matter whether it is a 12-page research paper, a dissertation, or a lab report, it can be equally difficult for a freshman as well as an experienced student. Usually, the biggest problems occur with the smallest assignments – essays.

The art of writing an essay is not an easy one. It is quite hard to fit everything you want to discuss on the topic into a limited number of words (400-500). But it won’t be a problem if you know how to do those assignments properly. And we’re not talking about format and style only. It is about the way you organize the writing process and the steps you follow. Interested in becoming a better writer? You have two options – to ask a professional Australian writing service to do my assignment for me if you live in Australia, or to read this article and apply new knowledge in practice. The decision is up to you.

So, let’s have a look at our best recommendations on writing a winning essay.

How to Write Essays

It doesn’t matter what type of essay you have. The following recommendations can be applied even for writing a dissertation or a research paper.

  1. Planning. Don’t start working on your essay if you don’t have a clear plan on how to do it. Sit down, analyze the topic, and think what materials you might need to compose a profound paper. What kind of books? What type of online sources? Are you going to quote famous people? Where are you planning to get all of those materials?
  2. Then, start brainstorming. We don’t recommend going to the library immediately after writing a plan. Before searching for the books, figure out what you already know about the topic. Brainstorming is the easiest way to do this. Just write down your thoughts and ideas on the given topic. Then, filter them and pick only the most interesting or unique one.
  3. Go to the library. It is hard to avoid visit to the library if you want to create a qualitative content. Or you can search for digital versions of the books online instead of getting the printed ones in the library. Keep in mind that not all books are available on the Internet. And don’t rely on Wikipedia only. It is definitely not a great source for an essay with an academic level. Do a profound research.
  4. Since you have all the materials, you can start organizing them in the logical order. Create a plan for your future essay. For example, introduction, body, conclusion. Or make it more detailed if you want. For this, you can use a five-paragraph strategy of writing an essay.
  5. Write introduction first. We don’t recommend working on your essay in a chaotic way when you write body part, conclusion, and introduction in a random order. Always start with the introduction. It will help you to see the course of writing clearly. Don’t forget about a thesis statement, which comes at the end of the introduction and informs the main point of your work in one sentence. Your thesis statement and introduction, in general, should tell the reader what your essay is going to be about.
  6. Then, work on the body part and conclusion. If a body paragraph is not a big problem for most students, a concluding part is a confusing one. Remember that you shouldn’t include any new information in the conclusion. The concluding part should put together everything that has been said in the essay. It is like a rewritten introduction.
  1. And the last but not the least is proofreading/editing. Those two processes are a part of writing too. The most effective way to revise your paper is by proofreading and editing for a couple of times on different days. For example, write it today and proofread tomorrow. Then, leave it for a day. And come back to proofread one more time. Why do you need this? It gives a clearer image of what you’ve written before. Every time you read your paper, you notice something that can or should be improved or added. You can also ask your friend or family members to read your essay aloud. What do they think about it? And what do you think about it? Does it sound great?

If you follow all of these recommendations step by step, your writing skills will become more professional. Thus, your papers will be more qualitative, allowing you to expect higher grades than you’ve ever got. So try these tips in practice if you want to avoid stress while doing your next writing assignment.

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