Samsung turned into the primary Android smartphone brand on the planet to deliver the March 2021 security fix. The update was first delivered to the Galaxy Note 10 arrangement in late February 2021, and the rollout was then extended to different other smartphones and tablets. The organization has now begun carrying out the most recent security fix to the Galaxy Z Fold 2.
The Galaxy Z Fold 2 has begun getting the March 2021 security fix in China. The most recent programming update for the foldable phone, which accompanies firmware rendition F9160ZCS1DUC1, additionally incorporates bug fixes and security enhancements. Aside from Google’s own bug fixes, Samsung’s March 2021 security fix incorporates fixes for 19 weaknesses in Galaxy smartphones.
In the event that you are a Galaxy Z Fold 2 client in China, you can check for the most recent update by exploring to Settings ยป Software update and tapping on Download and introduce. On the other hand, you can likewise download the whole firmware from our firmware segment and blaze it physically. We anticipate that the South Korean firm should deliver the most recent security fix to the Galaxy Z Fold 2 in different pieces of the world throughout the following not many days.
The Galaxy Z Fold 2 was initially dispatched in August 2020 with Android 10 (One UI 2), and it has been reliably getting month to month security patches. The foldable smartphone got admittance to the Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update two months prior and the One UI 3.1 update before the end of last month.