Snapdragon 805-Powered Tablet for Developers coming on April for $800

Qualcomm Technologies annouced that it’s going to release a Tablet of its own made, with its latest Snapdragon 805 32-bit processor chipset on board. This Snapdragon tablet will be available for developers only and priced at $800, shipping by the End of this Month. While it may look like a very enticing proposition considering its price to performance ratio,…

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Samsung Galaxy S5 Official wireless Charging Covers revealed [Photos and Prices]

Samsung Galaxy S5 support wireless charging but it needs an extra cover for that. Today, Samsung Unveiled four charging covers for the Galaxy S5. All four covers are available for Pre-order as they are “Coming Soon!”. The standard back plate, available in black and white, offers Qi wireless charging compatibility, for $29.99 and it covers only the Back…

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