Today, a jetted bathtub is not a luxury item but a healing opportunity for the whole family. Such a bath will not only provide pleasure and cleanliness of the body but also create a therapeutic effect, reduce pain, and improve joint function and blood circulation. What is the difference between a regular bath ( and a jetted one (Jacuzzi)? The latter has an original and thoughtful design and additional head restraints or armrests (handles). The main difference is that water is supplied from the nozzles under pressure, creating a massage effect and relieving fatigue and stress.
What a Jetted Bathtub is Made of?
The jetted bathtub consists of a sturdy base, water circulation pump, and nozzles. Besides, it has a function of remote control. The base is made of durable steel coated with a polymer. The electric pump is reliably isolated from the metal parts of the bath. It collects water and transfers it under pressure to the nozzles. Sometimes, a compressor is used in parallel, creating the effect of bubbles (the so-called pearl baths). Plastic or brass nozzles have a strategically important location because they massage the necessary parts of the body with water. The remote control can be pneumatic or electronic. It controls the pump and nozzle operation.
Types of Jetted Bathtubs
By function:
- Ordinary (hydromassage);
- Air massage (pearl). This model has a greater massage efficiency.
By shape:
- Rectangular;
- Angular;
- Round;
- Oval.
By color:
- White;
- Black;
- Beige;
- Red;
- Pearlescent.
Almost all bathtubs are. Color bathtubs are usually custom-made. By capacity:
- Single;
- Double.
It is worth adding that some hydromassage baths have additional functionality:
- Aromatherapy (essential oils);
- Light therapy (chromotherapy);
- Backlight;
- Acoustic accompaniment;
- Ultrasound massage;
- Auxiliary mixers.
Features of the Jetted Bathtubs
The main advantages of hydromassage tubs are relaxation, improved blood circulation and muscle tone, reduced pain symptoms, increased mobility of all joints, normalized cardiovascular system, cleansed and toned skin, calm nervous system, and many others. The disadvantages are:
- Large dimensions;
- High price;
- The need to care for the bath + periodic disinfection;