What Should You Do About Microtransactions With Your Child’s Video Games?

Are you worried about your children’s gambling? It turns out that you might have to start if you aren’t. With the release of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X consoles, parents have been warned about their children gambling using loot boxes in video games. This has many parents experiencing growing concerns that their children are being exposed to gambling at a young age.

Loot boxes are a feature in video games that offer a play a random chance to unlock new items for their character. This could range from weapons, vehicles, and skins. While some games offer these rewards based on the level that they reach, other games provide gamers with loot boxes that they can purchase with in-game currency or real money. Loot boxes give them a better chance to unlock rare items.


Just like Comeon Casino, rolling the dice in a loot box is all about the risk. However, some microtransactions can offer specific weapons and skins for players. By doing this, you are flat out purchasing the reward without having to risk it with loot boxes. For less-expensive options, they can purchase more loot boxes and try and press their luck a few more times. Games such as Fortnite, Apex Legends, and Overwatch all offer this.

With Christmas right around the corner, the naked eye suggests that many children will be unwrapping new video games. In today’s modern version of gaming, they could receive a gift card to download the game without a hard copy. No matter, a lot of parents are unaware that children could be gambling away their money while playing their new game.

Why would your child do this you might ask? The easy answer is that it makes the game more exciting or interesting. For children, it’s about building a collection. Clothes are a perfect example. Do you want to wear the same outfit every day? No, because you want to have some clothes that are special. In games that are important to them, they want to own the digital collection attached to the game, so they can show off.

Time To Be Aware

Mathematically speaking, these micropurchases can amount to a large sum in the end. When you factor in the regular cost of the game, plus the microtransactions within the game, the investment could be double with zero return. These in-game rewards do not transpire to extrinsic value on the outside. While these smart gadgets “may look cool,” the depleted bank account is the real risk factor here.

If you are a parent of a child with a video game, it’s important to check your statement or pull your credit card off the account completely. Parents need to monitor these purchases, so they can monitor what their children are doing. If you don’t want your child to spend money on these games, you can set spending limits on game consoles, so they don’t generate a costly bill. It also wouldn’t hurt to have a conversation with your children about the risks and dangers of gambling.

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