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Want to Get a Google+ Invitation ? Want to join the New Google Social Network but can't find how to register or how to get an invitation ?

We Can Get you Invite+ FREE!

Just Write your Email on the commenting section Below like this (yourname at


You will Get an Email with a Subject (Google+ Invitation),Open the Email and Click on "Learn More about Google Plus"... You will be redirected to Google+ Page sign in with your google account (Click on Sign in) and then enter your Info for G+ registration and You DONE!


Follow me @Josephws



I tried out Google+ after getting an invite and found it really interesting, may it be its simple and cool design or the variety of features it offers. One has to accept that Google has done some really good and hard work in bringing out Google+. After all, it was their long time wish to have a Google Social Network that can dominate over the web. 


Here are some useful Google+ Tips shared by Matt Cutts and users who responded on his post at Google+. All these tips are handy and let you experience the actual power of Google+ (PLUS). 

1. Click on Profile pictures to rotate through them.

2. Click ‘j‘ to navigate down to the next item or ‘k‘ to navigate up when checking the stream using keyboard.

3. To add formatting to your text, use the simple trick below.

  • (*)bold(*):  Add * before and after the message.
  • (_)italics(_):  Add _ before and after the message.
  • (-)strike-through(-):  Add before and after the message.

Example below:

4. Click on “Limited” next to the timestamp to find out the actual list of persons with whom you are sharing a particular post.

5. Add a or @ signal to mention someone specifically in a post.

6. Click on the Timestamp to get the permalink (web URL) of any post.

7. Share your post with Public or Circle/Circles only. You can even share a post with an individual by typing their name or email address. A very useful one!

8. You can even edit the photos uploaded by you. Its easy and flawless.

Open any picture uploaded by you or visit the gallery. Select Actions > Edit photo.

Then improve your Poor Camera photos by adding some smart effects to them in a click.

9. Unlike Gmail, you can Resize the Chat Box in Google+. To do so, just drag the box by its corner or sides.

10. If you are annoyed with some post that is getting lots of comments and thus irritating you with notifications. Just Mute the post. You can even Block any person and can Report Abuse against him.

11. Set Options for any post made by you by clicking the grey drop-down "Options" icon. You can choose to Edit it, Delete it, Disable comment or Disable Resharing a post.

12. Tired of receiving notifications for a particular post you made or commented on? Just hit "Mute this post" to get rid of it.

13. Share a post or check notifications on Google+ directly from within Gmail account without opening a separate webpage for Google+. Now that’s seamless integration.

14. See how your profile appears to others – Input his/her username, select Edit profile, make the alterations to your profile only for that specific person. Something unique!

15. While on the Home tab, press twice the q key on the keyboard to search and add people to your chat list. (Press q 2nd time after a gap of sec).


16. Hitting Enter when focused on a Post opens up the comment box.


17. Set delivery preferences and tick mark desired entries under "Receive Notifications". Visit this link to edit the settings:


18. Whats that Incoming option under Stream? "Incoming" stream is stuff from people who are sharing with you, but who you have not added to a circle.


19. Give feedback – Found any bug or have a tip to suggest? Just click Send feedback from lower right corner, cool part is you can highlight the faulty area and report about it.


20. Trick to Invite anyone to Google+ even if you do not have invites Make a post, Share it with that person using his email address. Then ask him to click "Learn more about Google+" in the received email. On opening it, he would be able to Join Google+.


21. Use the Scroll wheel of your mouse to Navigate through the Photos in the gallery.


22. Enable Chat for Circles – look at the Lower left column on  your Stream Page you'll find your Friends Names with green (Available) and Grey (Offline) icons click on the green (Available) Name to Chat (Chat box on the lower Right)


23. Drag and Drop Photos, Videos and Links directly to post box from your desktop.


24. Manage how People from your Circles appears to everyone on your Profile Open your Google+ profile and edit it. Then click the round black-grey icon and select the desired options. You can also choose to hide the "Have you in Circles" box.

manage circle box

Follow me @Josephws


The Nexus S may be six months old now, which is a lot in this industry, but Google has not forgotten about it yet. So to keep the interest alive in the device Google has come up with a nifty little game on YouTube called Nexus Contraptions.


The game involves playing with four of the default Google apps on the Nexus S that are essentially metal balls, that you have to guide through using various contraptions to a funnel at the end so they can be put on the phone. You have multiple levels for each app and if you complete the game you would have successfully wasted about half an hour of your life. But since the game is a bit fun we will let this slide. In fact you would have been reading this article a lot sooner had I not wasted so much time playing it.


Follow me @Josephws


Not even two days passed since the launch of Google latest social networking service and they already had to shut down the gates to prevent the hordes of people trying to get in. Although some assumed, myself included, that this invite mechanism might work against Google, turns out the exclusivity of it generated far greater interest among people than it would had Google just allowed anybody and everybody to come in.


But even with the limited invites that Google handed out the response they got was pretty overwhelming with everybody wanting to get in and ironically enough, using other social networking services to score an invite for themselves. According to Google Senior Vice President of Engineering Vic Gundotra, they had to shut down the invite mechanism due to the overwhelming response and they are instead of looking at planning on doing this carefully and in a controlled way. Here is the direct quote from the man himself.

We’ve shut down invite mechanism for the night. Insane demand. We need to do this carefully, and in a controlled way. Thank you all for your interest!


Based solely on the initial response I would say Google+ is already a hit. But it remains to be seen how long will this interest last and for people to return to their favorite social networking sites. From Google end I think they have done a great job and they really seem to be working hard to be successful this time. But it will take some time to bring down the giant that is Facebook.


Follow me @Josephws


Hot on the heels of the Google+ launch Google has updated the look of two of its most popular web apps, Gmail and Calendar. The new look jibes well with the look of the new Google homepage and Google+, providing a more unified interface.


In Gmail you will notice just how clean the new interface is. Every thing looks simpler, focused, more direct. There is also plenty of negative space being used to provide some relief to your eyes and the whole thing seem less cluttered. In my opinion, Gmail never looked better.


gsmarena 002 Google redesigns Gmail and Calendar, makes it cleaner and more minimalistic


The new look isn’t permanent for now though. You will have to manually select it from the Themes menu in mail settings, however, moving on it will become the default look, with the option to change it of course. Google also admits that it may be a bit rough around the edges and some Labs features may look strange in the new theme. They are also planning on launching a darker version of this theme for those working in dark environments.


gsmarena 003 Google redesigns Gmail and Calendar, makes it cleaner and more minimalistic


Calendar too gets the new look but unlike Gmail it is not optional. But that is fine with me as like Gmail, Calendar never looked better.


Follow me @Josephws

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