In US the Sony Xperia Z5 and Z5 Compact Won’t Come with Fingerprint Sensor

The US variants of the Xperia Z5 and Z5 Compact will be made available in the next month and they won’t feature a fingerprint sensor. The suitable placement of the sensor in an elongated power button on the side of the phone was one of the major factors contributing to its popularity. But, it won’t be made available in the US versions of these devices.

As per Sony it was a business decision to discard the sensor and to us it surely seems like a completely unexpected move. Certainly it won’t contribute to the success of these devices in North america. We hope Sony has a rock solid reason behind this.

Sony’s primary concern right now is to get things moving in the US, considering the plethora of problems the Xperia Z4v had during its US launch and problems that made Verizon ditch the device completely. Sony had to release the same device after few months under the Xperia Z3+ brand on Amazon and B&H. But it seems like Sony is on the verge of another botched up product launch.

There is a major unanswered question: why would Sony get rid of one of most popular feature from a flagship device? We’d have wait and watch to check out how the story will unfold and how would Sony tackle the any kind of adverse situation.

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