If you are using a phone for your business, it is necessary that you use it properly or else it won’t be effective adhering to your day to day business needs. Whatever business it is that you are pursuing, always remember that the marketing competition now is tight. There could be hundreds to thousands of companies/businesses around offering and selling the same services and products as yours. With this, it is imperative that all tools you use for your business should thoroughly work to its purpose, including your business phone.
You might be a bit challenged about using your business phone effectively, and to help you in making sure that your phone will work to its purpose, here are some tips you may want to consider.
- Avoid giving and using your phone for personal useĀ
Do you want to play online casinos and sister sites? Do not use your business phone to access and play. If this you start to do, you will find it hard to separate work from personal pleasure. You will start playing games in the middle of working or during the time when there is an important meeting you have to attend.
Same goes to giving your phone number for personal reasons, as you will not find it easy to differentiate work related concerns from personal. If a friend or a family member asks for your number, you have to give your personal number as your business phone should only be used solely for business purposes.
- Always answer phone calls and text messages
Make sure that all phone calls are picked up the same as with the messages. People will find it easy to let go of any business if they do not feel important. They can easily find a company to replace the service and products you offer.
Be very attentive with business calls and messages to keep a good relationship with your customers. Those who neglect calls might soon lose their customers one by one.
Answering calls and messages means that you are concerned about the issues and questions your customer has to raise.
- Create an auto response
You might have noticed that phones have automated response features, that lets you respond to text messages and calls in just a few clicks. Like “I am driving right now, will call you back”, or “I am in a meeting right now, please call again later” and so on. These automated response features will help you in making sure that your customers won’t feel neglected at all.
Make sure that at the onset of the day or an event, there is an automated response you will click if someone calls or sends a message.
- Save your customers’ phone numbers
It is awkward to ask a caller who he/she is, if he/she has been calling you ten times already. Saving their number and addressing them using their name immediately when you pick up their call would make them feel special.