At the CES 2016, Lenovo has officially declared the end of Motorola as a brand name in the smartphone business. Although the news may make some of us feel a tinge of sadness as the name “Motorola” itself is iconic as well as nostalgic for many of us, the decision wasn’t exactly a surprise. Lenovo bought the company from Google back in 2014 with the hopes of gaining a firm foothold in the mobile phone industry by using Motorola’s popularity.
Lenovo further stated that the Motorola team will still be making phones, but the branding will change to Lenovo instead. However, the famous “M” logo is not going away. We think that this decision of keeping the logo even after doing away with the brand name was made so as to win over the loyal fan base that Motorola has been supported by, over the years.
Back in 2005, Motorola was the biggest name in the phone business and everyone wanted a Moto Razr V3. The company lost ground since, as Samsung and Apple muscled in with Android and iOS respectively. After falling from a great height, the ownership of the company changed hands multiple times and finally at Lenovo, it seems that the struggling brand name is coming to an end.